T3 Sand Bag Top Blocks
These new T3 (torque taming technology) aluminum top blocks feature 2.5” long NRA legal sand bags mounted to stainless steel carrier assemblies. These sand bags are intended to be set with a vertical stager (higher on the left block and lower on the right block). The slots allow for vertical adjustments.
This arrangement allows you to adjust the sand bag to the top edge of your forearm on the left side and at the lowest point on the right side of your forearm. The sand bag assembly mounted to the left block can be flipped over for extending the range for lower or taller stocks.
This 11:00 and 5:00 arrangement greatly reduces the counter- clockwise rotation, or torque under recoil. Newtons 3rd law of motion establishes that the right-hand spin of the bullet will always generates an equal but opposite (counter clockwise or left hand) rotation of the rifle. We refer to this as simply, torque.
The added benefit of having just two small contact patches is less sliding friction for improved tracking and therefore less vertical shot dispersion.
We now offer the new T3 F-Class sand bag option for all new 5-Axis tops as well as our Raptor and T-Rex front rests. Select T3 F-Class sand bag top in the drop-down boxes.
A word about proper adjustment:
Achieving the correct gap between the blocks is very important. Make all adjustments with the rifle setting between the blocks. Too much grip on the forearm causes heavy drag and vertical shot dispersion. Too little grip allows excessive movement and counter rotation of the stock under recoil.
Start by centering the blocks on the top plate with the rifle setting on the lower bags in a level condition. You can use the dual forearm stops to reference this center position. Now leave the right block locked down with the mounting bolt and only adjust the left block. You want the top plate (this is the plate which the top blocks mount to) to just have a small amount of left-right rotation. The rifle should slide back and forth very freely. Also, when you twist the forearm counter clockwise there should be very little rotational movement.
All Rodzilla products are made in the USA and carry a lifetime warranty.
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T3 Sand Bag Top Blocks